17-year-old Sam (Collias) embarks on a three-day backpacking trip in the Catskills with her dad, Chris (Le Gros) and his oldest friend, Matt (McCarthy). As the two men quickly settle into a gently quarrelsome brotherly dynamic, airing long-held grievances, Sam, wise beyond her years, attempts to mediate.

Friday, September 13th at 7pm
Saturday, September 14th at 1pm, 4pm
Sunday, September 15th at 7pm

A young widow takes over her late husband’s struggling wine business, determined to transform it into a champagne empire. Navigating societal expectations and business challenges, she pioneers new techniques and defies conventions, becoming a trailblazer in the male-dominated industry and changing the world of champagne forever.

Friday, September 13th at 1pm, 4pm
Saturday, September 14th at 7pm
Sunday, September 15th at 1pm, 4pm

Before there was Trump, there was Dick. A nostalgic look back to an era when presidential criminals only conducted petty break-ins.
DICK suggests that the infamous Watergate informant known as “Deep Throat” was, in fact, high school besties Betsy & Arlene who — while sneaking out of Arlene’s Watergate apartment on the night of June 17, 1972, to mail a love letter to Bobby Sherman — inadvertently stumbled across the burglars at the DNC HQ, setting off a chain of events that led to the downfall of Richard “Tricky Dick” Nixon. Starring Kirsten Dunst & Michelle Williams, along with Will Ferrell (as Bob Woodward), Dan Hedaya, Harry Shearer, Ryan Reynolds — and more!

Tuesday, September 10th at 1pm and 7pm

Tuesday, September 17th
1pm and 7pm

Tuesday, September 24th
1pm and 7pm

The State Theatre offers family friendly movies every Saturday at 10 am.
All tickets are only $1
We also offer affordable snacks for both children and adults.


52 Weeks!  52 Films!

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